The government of São Paulo is going to expropriate and declare of public utility a private land of more than 10 thousand square meters located in Vila Sahy, in São Sebastião, on the north coast of São Paulo. This area will be used for the construction of popular housing for families that were or are displaced due to the heavy rains that hit the region during Carnival. The expropriation was published in today’s edition (25) of the state’s Official Gazette. With the publication of the decree, the measure authorizes the Housing and Urban Development Company (CDHU), linked to the Urban Development and Housing Secretariat, to expropriate the land for the implementation of a housing program for low-income families. “It is a flat area, a safe area, where CDHU is going to build residences to start taking people out of the risk area and giving housing to those who lost it”, said the governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, by means of a note. heavy rains that hit the north coast over the carnival weekend left at least 57 dead, one victim in Ubatuba and 56 in São Sebastião.According to the latest bulletin released this morning by the state government, which has been updating daily information about the region, 53 victims have already been identified and released for burial. There are still 13 people hospitalized at the Regional Hospital of the North Coast, in a stable state of health. The government also informs that the rains left more than 2,251 people homeless and 1,815 homeless. Line of credit The São Paulo government also announced that it had opened an emergency line of credit to assist farmers and fishermen who suffered losses with the tragedy that occurred on the north coast. rgencial, which will be released through the Paulista Agribusiness Expansion Fund (FEAP), can be accessed by registering on this online form or by in person at the Secretariat’s Agriculture Houses, which are working normally to serve rural producers in the regions. The ceiling established by the program is BRL 50,000 for individual producers, who will have 72 months to repay the loan. More information can be obtained on the website. Roads The Department of Highways (DER) informed this Saturday morning that traffic on the highways in the region of São Sebastião is free for light and heavy vehicles, with some points of partial interdiction. There is only one stretch, located at kilometer 82 of the Mogi-Bertioga Highway (SP-098), in Biritiba-Mirim, which remains completely prohibited. The trip to the north coast can be made, at this moment, by the Anchieta-Imigrantes System, Rodovia dos Tamoios and Rodovia Oswaldo Cruz, depending on the point on Rio-Santos (SP-055). However, the São Paulo Military Police (PMSP) advises against tourists heading to the north coast this weekend. The goal, according to the agency, is to avoid overloading hospital care, road traffic and water and food supply in the region, which was hit hard by the storm. According to the PM, the roads need to be clear so that aid and rescue vehicles can circulate freely. The forecast is that, in the coming days, rain showers, between moderate and strong, will fall again on the north coast.
Agência Brasil
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