In five years, the number of Brazilians in default went from 59.3 million, in January 2018, to 70.1 million, in January 2023, a record in the historical series. This is what shows an unprecedented study by Serasa Experian, released this Monday (27) in Brasília. Not only did defaults increase, but so did the value of debts. On average, each defaulter owes BRL 4,612.30. In January 2018, it was BRL 3,926.40. There was a growth of 19% in the period. Regarding the age group, the elderly aged 60 years or older are among the most impacted. Those in debt increased by 17%, compared to other age groups, with a rise of 12%. Women have more debt to pay than men. Among them, the increase was 18% in the value of debts; and among them, 16%. The debts that rose the most were financial ones, with an increase of 71%. According to Serasa, inflation and high interest rates are the factors that boosted the increase in defaults in the country in the analyzed period. The data were disclosed in the announcement of an extraordinary edition of the Feirão Limpa Nome, which began today. Generally, the fair takes place in November. In the action, consumers can renegotiate debts with banks, finance companies, telephone companies and other companies. In some cases, it is possible to settle the debt with a 99% discount or for up to R$100, according to Serasa. Negotiations can be made via the website, the Serasa app on Google Play and the App Store, 0800 591 1222 (toll free) or WhatsApp 11 99575–2096. There will be face-to-face service at the more than 11,000 Post Office branches distributed, with payment of a fee of R$3.60. The federal government announced that it will create a program to assist indebted people, including those who contracted a payroll loan offered by Auxílio Brasil in 2022, a modality implemented to allow the inclusion of defaulting people back into the economy.
Agência Brasil
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