The President of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), Minister Rosa Weber, said today (6) that it is urgent for a gender perspective to be adopted throughout the Brazilian judicial system. “The gender perspective as a methodology is an urgent recommendation for an adequate and effective practice of the Justice system”, said the minister, who, this Monday morning, participated in the opening of a seminar on the theory and practice of applying gender equality. methodology in the Judiciary. The event takes place on the occasion of International Women’s Day, to be celebrated next Wednesday (8). Rosa Weber stressed how laws and norms were historically designed “in such a way as not to consider women as a relevant political and institutional actor in society”, which is why it is now necessary to apply a “gender lens” to these abstract norms, in order to ensure equal treatment”. “The theoretical approach to concepts, especially that of impartiality, requires us to be attentive to historical and structural inequalities in the social context of vulnerable groups, in the case of women, marked by discriminatory patterns reproduced in institutional and legal designs”, added the minister. The President of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Minister Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, also said that it is the duty of “each of the bodies of the Judiciary to employ concrete actions, aiming to ensure that judgments are permeated by the lens of gender, overcoming stereotypes and neutralizing preconceived interpretations, in order to give effect to the material equality established by the constituent legislator”. Protocol In 2021, the National Council of Justice presented a protocol for magistrates to continue to consider gender issues in the analysis of concrete cases. The document works as a kind of guide, explaining how to apply concepts and reduce the reproduction of stereotypes. The protocol now has the force of recommendation, and the STJ seminar aims to discuss how it has been adopted in practice in the judicial system. Between this Monday and Tuesday (7), results and challenges of the methodology will be presented. The idea is that, after evaluating the initial experience, the protocol can be improved and become a CNJ resolution, with mandatory application.
Agência Brasil
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