On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of this month, the Southeast Region will host the Embrapa Fertbrasil Caravan, which will promote, in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, the importance of sustainable soil management for the proper use of fertilizers, aiming at good productivity of the crops. Registration is free and can be done through the website. According to information from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the Fertbrasil Network, participants will receive information on agricultural planning, good practices for efficient use of fertilizers, new technologies for supplying nutrients to plants, use of digital tools and information systems, and technologies and management practices for agro-environmental sustainability. Activities Activities will always take place in the morning, from 8 am to 12:30 pm. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, the events will be held in Nova Friburgo, at the Fashion Space of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan) – National Industrial Learning Service (Senai), on the 21st and, in Campos dos Goytacazes, on the 22nd, in the auditorium of the Rural Union of Campos. The Caravan ends its activities in the Southeast Region on Thursday (23), in the municipality of Venda Nova do Imigrante (ES), at the National Commercial Learning Service (Senac). If interest is specific to one of the events, registrations can be made at the addresses in Nova Friburgo; Campos dos Goytacazes; and in Venda Nova do Imigrante. Caravan The Embrapa Fertbrasil Caravan has already passed through 31 cities in nine Brazilian states, having started its journey in 2022. This year, it will continue to tour the main agricultural regions of the country to bring information and make technicians and producers aware of the proper handling of crops. The objective is to enhance the economic and agronomic efficiency of fertilizers and inputs, items that contribute to the high production cost of crops, according to Embrapa.
Agência Brasil
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