This Monday (25) ends the deadline for municipalities to join or renew the Mais Médicos Program. Of the 6,252 vacancies provided by the public notice for 2,074 municipalities, one thousand are unprecedented positions for physicians to serve in the Legal Amazon region. “City hall managers must indicate how many vacancies they intend to fill in each location from the total authorized by the public notice”, informed the Ministry of Health. The prediction is that the preliminary result of the city halls to be contemplated will be released “in the next few days”. For this edition, the ministry highlights the fact that it has adopted an incentive strategy in order to attract professionals, with doctors having the opportunity to specialize in family and community medicine during their participation in the program, “with opportunities for a master’s degree and financial incentives for debt payment with Higher Education Student Financing (Fies)”, informed the folder. Maternity Leave There are also other benefits, such as maternity leave for doctors who become mothers, “to complement the aid paid by the INSS to reach the scholarship amount during the six-month leave period”. In addition, parents will be entitled to 20 days of paid leave. In a note released by the Ministry of Health, the Secretary of Primary Health Care, Nésio Fernandes, said that the program is an “extensive and vigorous public policy that manages to fulfill what it promises: to allocate doctors in remote and highly vulnerable regions” . He added that this first stage is the moment for the manager to confirm, to the ministry, how many vacancies he needs to serve his territory. “The process is simple, completely online and takes a few minutes, through access to the e-Gestor platform. After carrying out this first stage, in a second moment there will be an opening for the registration of health professionals ”, he detailed.
Agência Brasil
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