The city of São Paulo announced this Tuesday morning (16), the attractions of the Virada Cultural do Pertencimento 2023, which will take place on the next 27th and 28th. There will be 500 performances, including Carol Conka, Supla, Tierry, Raça Negra, Roberta Miranda, Ferrugem, Liniker, Alceu Valença, Zé Vaqueiro, Fundo de Quintal, BaianaSystem, Dilsinho, Anavitória, Victor Fernandes, Tássia Reis and the Pixote group. The event’s agenda brings together the greatest artists from the national and even international cultural scene, bringing references from samba to funk, from pop to hip hop, passing through forró and sertanejo. The full schedule will be published on the page At New Year’s Eve, the attractions will be divided into 12 arenas spread across all regions of the city: Brasilândia (North Zone), Butantã (West Zone), Campo Limpo (South Zone), Cidade Tiradentes (East Zone), Itaquera (East Zone) , M’Boi Mirim (South Zone), Parada Inglesa (North Zone), São Miguel Paulista (East Zone), the Anhangabaú Valley and its surroundings (Center), as well as Parelheiros, Heliópolis and Capela do Socorro, all three in the South. The only stage that will operate for 24 hours will be in Vale do Anhangabaú. The rest stop on Saturday at 10 pm and return at 10 am on Sunday. Virada Cultural do Pertencimento 2023 takes programming to a total of 49 participating municipal cultural facilities, including four regional theaters, in addition to the Municipal Theater; 15 culture houses; 12 cultural centers; four museums; 11 libraries; and two CEUs. In addition to the show schedule, all arenas feature, on Sundays, Viradinha, from 9 am to noon, with activities and shows aimed at children of all ages. The children’s program also includes Palavras Cantada, in Campo Limpo; Cumbia Cavalera, in Brasilândia; Queen Live Kids, in São Miguel; 16 Tons, in Interlagos; Bloquinho Gente Miúda, at M’Boi Mirim; among others. Cultural Centers The cultural facilities of the Municipal Secretariat of Culture (SMC) receive diversified programming. At the Ruth Cardoso Youth Cultural Center, the Black Ball will take place with concerts by singer Paula Lima, Walmir Borges and several samba rock DJs. At Tendal da Lapa, Mart’nália performs on Saturday and Tom Zé, on Sunday, and for children, the show Let’s Bowie introduces the work of David Bowie, on the 28th. At Teatro Cacilda Becker, Ballet Paraisópolis performs at Saturday night, and at Teatro Paulo Eiró, Pia Fraus presents the children’s show Gigantes Modernistas, also on Saturday. In public libraries, the play O Subnormal addresses the inclusion and accessibility of visually impaired people, on Saturday, at the Alceu Amoroso Lima Library. On Sunday, the soirée Oralities Black brings representation of the black population to the Mário de Andrade Library. Children can enjoy the circus show Parapapel, on Saturday, at the Hans Christian Andersen Library. Casa de Cultura Tremembé brings Mário e as Marias, theater inspired by the life and work of Mário de Andrade, on Sunday; the Casa de Cultura Raul Seixas receives the circus attraction Cortejo das Manas; and the Tudo é Possível circus at Casa Sertanista and also at Casa de Cultura Hip Hop Sul. According to the city hall, the investment for the 18th Edition of Virada Cultural is R$ 40 million and the expectation is that 4 million people enjoy the shows and presentations that will all be free. The financial movement during the two days should reach R$ 400 million, according to the estimate of the municipal administration. During the two days of Virada Cultural, the stations Anhangabaú and São Bento do Metrô, in the Center, will operate 24 hours a day for entry and exit and the rest of the stations will only exit outside standard hours. Public safety will be guaranteed through a partnership with the state government and the hiring of private security guards.
Agência Brasil
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