Died this Thursday (29) the former Minister of Agriculture Alysson Paolinelli, aged 86. According to the Brazilian Association of Corn Producers (Abramilho), an entity that Paolinelli presided over, the former minister had complications after surgery to place a prosthesis on his femur and was hospitalized for almost 30 days at Hospital Madre Tereza, in Belo Horizonte. . “Paolinelli was a unique figure in the field of Brazilian agriculture, leaving a significant legacy for the sector. His exemplary career as an agronomist, researcher and leader inspired generations of professionals and made an invaluable contribution to the country’s agricultural development”, highlighted the association, in a note of regret. Born on July 10, 1936 in Bambuí (MG), Paolinelli left his hometown at the age of 15 to attend high school in Lavras (MG), where he also graduated as an agronomist from the Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras. In 1971, he was invited to take over the Secretary of Agriculture of Minas Gerais with the challenge of implementing a new productive matrix in the state. Paolinelli took over the Ministry of Agriculture under Ernesto Geisel in March 1974 and opened a period of policies for the sector and for the development of the Brazilian Midwest. He prioritized science and structured the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), created during the administration of former Minister of Agriculture Cirne Lima, in 1972. In addition to achievements in the political field, in 2006, his work in the study of the agricultural potential of the associated Cerrado to food security and sustainable development were awarded the World Food Prize. In 2012, he founded the Forum of the Future, dedicated to the debate on sustainable development, with a focus on innovation, technology and research. He was at the forefront of the Tropical Biomes Project, which offers a new path for food production, advocating the precedence of science in defining the limits of sustainable use of resources in each biome, before their economic use. Repercussion On social networks, the governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema, mourned the death of the former minister and referred to Paolinelli as one of the biggest names in Brazilian agriculture. Today we lost former minister Alysson Paolinelli, one of the biggest names in Brazilian agriculture, from whom I had the pleasure of learning a lot. His work collaborated to transform our agro into a world power. Rest in peace teacher, you will be greatly missed around here. — Romeu Zema (@RomeuZema) June 29, 2023 The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, also mourned Paolinelli’s death. On Twitter, he posted that the former minister leaves an unquestionable legacy “that overcomes barriers of time and leaves his mark eternal”. “His work gave birth to one of the greatest agricultural powers in the world in the country. More than that, his legacy feeds families and science,” wrote Fávaro. With great regret, I regret the death of the former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Alysson Paolinelli. His unquestionable legacy overcomes the barriers of time and leaves his mark eternal… pic.twitter.com/tHCQ5ebTfu — Carlos Fávaro (@Carloshbfavaro) June 29, 2023
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