The Attorney General’s Office in the Federal District defended this Thursday (20) the filing of the complaint presented by the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) of the coup acts of January 8 against Mauro Cid, former assistant to Jair Bolsonaro. Earlier this month, the commission filed a lawsuit against Cid after he gave evidence and refused to answer non-incriminating questions. For the committee’s parliamentarians, the former assistant would have committed “abuse of the right to silence” by refusing to inform even his age. Upon analyzing the case, prosecutor Caio Vaez Dias understood that Mauro Cid had not committed any crime and requested that the case be shelved. It will be up to the 10th Federal Court to decide the issue. Before the testimony, an injunction by Minister Cármen Lúcia, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), guaranteed Mauro Cid the right to remain silent in the face of questions that could incriminate him. The former aide-de-camp was called to testify after the disclosure of messages seized by the Federal Police (PF) on his cell phone in the investigation into alleged fraud in Bolsonaro’s vaccine cards. According to an investigation report by the Federal Police, the messages show that Cid gathered documents to provide legal support for the execution of a coup d’état. Defense Sought by Agência Brasil, lawyer Bernardo Fenelon, representing Mauro Cid, declared that the Public Prosecutor’s Office acted “precisely and in line with the legal system” when requesting the archive. In a note, the defender said that the continuity of the representation of the CPI would be “a criminalization of the constitutional right to silence”. “Nobody can be forced to respond to something that could eventually harm them, given that this undoubtedly constitutes the basis of the humanitarian principle of nemo tenetur se detegere – (the non-obligation to constitute evidence against oneself), historically conquered to ward off abuses of state punitive power”, he said.
Agência Brasil
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