Today is the Day: see January 2023 dates and holidays
January starts a new year with a holiday on its first day: Universal Fraternization Day, a date established to preach ...
January starts a new year with a holiday on its first day: Universal Fraternization Day, a date established to preach ...
The day before Christmas was marked by delays in landings and takeoffs at Brazilian airports. For the fifth consecutive day, ...
Reflecting the approval of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the Transition and the announcement of new ministers ...
The strike by aeronauts (pilots and flight attendants) continues for the fourth day. This Thursday (22), aeronauts stopped service at ...
The dollar closed down 0.04%, ending the day at R$5.3098. Throughout the trading session, the currency operated downwards, retreating 1.31%. ...
President Jair Bolsonaro participated today (13), in Brasília, in the celebration of Sailor's Day, held at the Marine Corps Group. ...
On the day Fernando Haddad was confirmed as the future finance minister, the dollar rose, influenced both by the internal ...
Federal agencies and entities of the direct, autarchic and foundational public administration of the Federal Executive, located in the Federal ...
Com um gol nos acréscimos, o Palmeiras derrotou o Santiago Morning (Chile) de virada por 2 a 1, na noite ...
A quarta-feira foi marcada por uma atividade de mídia para o time adulto do Corinthians, que se prepara para a ...
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