The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Ação da Cidadania and Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) launched a donation campaign to help face the health emergency situation of the peoples living in the Yanomami Indigenous Land, in Roraima. According to Ação da Cidadania, urgent action is needed to bring food to the Yanomami people: “570 Yanomami children have died of hunger in the last four years and hundreds of elderly Yanomami and children are in a situation of acute malnutrition, and this number can be much greater since the bodies that were supposed to monitor the situation were completely unstructured”. The NGO informed that it is working in a coordinated action with federal government agencies, such as the Ministry of Social Development and the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai), military and local entities to bring food to the Yanomami. Cufa joined forces with the National Anti-Racist Front to promote a joint effort to collect food for the Yanomami. Some leaders of the two NGOs go to Roraima to monitor the mobilization and distribution of donations in loco. “We cannot have information about what is happening to the Yanomami and just sit idly by. We are going to use all our capillarity and mobilization capacity, as we have done in other campaigns to help as much as possible”, said, in a note, Kalyne Lima, co-president of Cufa. Anyone who wants to participate, can donate at Cufa’s physical headquarters in the most diverse places in the country, because this week, trucks are leaving with donations from all over Brazil towards Roraima, by pix or by vakinha. “Our struggle is for all peoples. We cannot see the suffering of these indigenous brothers, so important for building our society, and do nothing. The National Anti-Racist Front is together with the Yanomami”, said Anna Karla Pereira, coordinator of the front.
Agência Brasil
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