The Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) inaugurated this Friday (3) two exhibitions: Radio in Brazil and Father Landell: the Man Who Invented the Future. The exhibitions bring together photos, documents, interactive installations, equipment and an application about the history of radio. Visitation is free: Tuesday to Friday, from 11 am to 8 pm; and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 7 pm. Rádio no Brasil features an interactive timeline. Along the way, visitors check out equipment, photographs and an application that allows access to extra content, such as excerpts from 14 testimonials collected exclusively for the exhibition, which will later be part of the MIS Collection. Visitors can check out equipment that shows the history of radio – Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil MIS cultural manager, Renan Daniel, reveals what the public can see in the exhibition. “In the space where we mention male and female singers on the radio, the public will be able to access these artists’ favorite songs and their biography. The installation of the radio timeline, the public can see, decade by decade, which were the biggest hits that played the most on the radio. In each space of the exhibition there are different interactivity and also non-technological, which is also very fun and engaging for the public.” News and humor programs, broadcasts of football matches and radio soap operas are also covered in the exhibition. The public can also see radio sets from different decades, items belonging to the museum’s own collection. “The highlights are the Capela models, from the 1930s, which, in addition to being very rare and specific, are aesthetically very beautiful, they were elements that decorated people’s homes as well”, emphasizes Daniel. The show has content consultancy by Milton Parron, research and writing by journalist Maurício Nunes and institutional partnership with the Association of Radio and Television Stations of the State of São Paulo (AESP), Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação and the Brazilian Museum of Radio and Television. Padre Landell: o Homem que Inventou o Futuro Integrated into Radio in Brazil, the exhibition Padre Landell: o Homem que Inventou o Futuro presents the Brazilian man responsible for the pioneering invention of radio. Among the highlights is the wave transmitter, a piece produced in full size by collector Marco Aurélio Cardoso de Moura, based on Landell’s writings. Exhibitions Rádio no Brasil and Padre Landell: o Homem que Inventou o Futuro have free admission – Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil For the MIS cultural manager, what may surprise the public most at this exhibition is seeing that technological evolution does not stop “and that radio, despite being 100 years old, is still very present for people”. In Daniel’s assessment, it also draws attention “that a Brazilian priest, Roberto Landell de Moura, was responsible for the first experiment of what came to become radio, it is also very interesting to see how he already predicted in his studies, which was later the wireless internet network, for example. It is something very surprising that the exhibition reveals to the public.” In partnership with the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (USP), the exhibition presents an interactive installation, with simple experiments, to illustrate the discoveries of physicists and inventors, contemporaries of Landell, who contributed to the technological evolution of the radio. schematics and preliminary studies of his experiments and original diaries. Curated by researcher Helena Tassara and biographer Hamilton de Almeida. MIS O Museu da Imagem e do S om de São Paulo is an institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government of the State of São Paulo. Inaugurated in 1970, its collection has more than 200,000 items, such as photographs, films, videos and posters. In addition to major national and international exhibitions, it offers cultural programs for all audiences: cinema, dance, music, video and photography. Service: Radio Exhibitions in Brazil and Father Landell: the Man Who Invented the Future Date: March 3 to April 16, 2023 Time: Tuesday to Friday, from 11 am to 8 pm; weekends and holidays from 10am to 7pm Location: 1st Floor Exhibition Space – MIS – Avenida Europa, 158, Jardim Europa Classification: free Free admission
Agência Brasil
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