The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, made official, together with the Federal Police, a request for an investigation into North Americans linked to the Millionaire Social Club (MSC) group, accused of sexually exploiting Brazilian women. In videos broadcast on the internet, the North Americans presented themselves as coaches who, hired, would help clients to conquer Brazilian women. The images show several women at a party. One of them would be a minor, aged 17, as Freixo said. “These American tourists organized what they call a party, but it is clearly a criminal action with the presence of minors”, said the president of Embratur, emphasizing that the images broadcast did not even have the authorization of many of the women filmed. “Various crimes were committed,” he added, raising suspicions of other events of the type, organized by the same group. Cooperation work Faced with the situation, Freixo met this Monday (20) with the director general of the Federal Police (PF), Andrei Rodrigues, whom he asked to follow the case closely. “Let’s do it [Embratur e PF] cooperative work. It is likely that this is not an isolated case,” said Freixo, emphasizing that the Brazilian tourism sector is not interested in any links with criminal activities, especially with sexual exploitation. “This case has to be pedagogical, because we don’t want tourism of this type in Brazil. This is a very serious case. Embratur will now try to identify the places where this type of practice occurs most commonly.” According to the general director of the PF, Andrei Rodrigues, from the formalization of the request of the president of Embratur, the internal referral of the case will begin. The investigation will also have fronts abroad, since the foreigners involved have already left the country. For this purpose, PF attachments in other countries may be activated. “The first step is to initiate a police inquiry,” he added, informing that investigative fronts will be adopted in a coordinated manner, including with the participation of directorates in the areas of cybercrime and human rights. Note from Embratur Recently, in an official note released on Thursday (16), Embratur expressed solidarity with “women victims of sexual exploitation in São Paulo, in the case that occurred at the end of February involving a group of foreign tourists”. “People who want to commit crimes are not welcome in our country. Tourism for the purpose of sexual exploitation violates our laws and those who practice it will be subject to due investigation, judgment and punishment”, says the note. “For decades, Brazil has implemented intersectoral policies to combat tourism for the purpose of sexual exploitation, with internal actions of social assistance, prevention with education and criminal investigation; and external, in rebuilding the country’s image abroad and promoting responsible tourism”, he added.
Agência Brasil
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