Ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) praised, this Thursday (1st), the appointment of lawyer Cristiano Zanin to a seat on the Court. Earlier, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva confirmed that he will nominate Zanin for the vacancy that was opened by the retirement of Ricardo Lewandowski. Upon arriving to participate in this afternoon’s session, minister Gilmar Mendes said that Zanin’s nomination is “positive”. “He IS a qualified person who will join the Supreme Court,” he commented. Ministers Luiz Fux and Nunes Marques considered the nomination “excellent”. André Mendonça wished Zanin success in the Senate hearing. “It IS a prerogative of the President of the Republic, and it is up to the Senate to assess it,” he said. In a statement, minister Luís Roberto Barroso also praised Zanin’s nomination. “Dr. Cristiano Zanin acted with high professional quality in cases that were processed before the Supreme Court. My view of him is that of a serious and competent lawyer, who showed dedication to the client and ethical conduct, even in the face of adversity. very welcome,” he said. Former minister Ricardo Lewandowski also endorsed Zanin’s nomination for his seat on the court. “Cristiano Zanin is an experienced and combative lawyer who fulfills all the constitutional requirements to occupy a vacancy as Minister of the Federal Supreme Court. He will certainly be a competent and impartial magistrate”, he declared in a note. Zanin is 47 years old and graduated in law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) in 1999. He specializes in strategic and decisive litigation, corporate or criminal, national and transnational. Before the nomination, he acted as Lula’s defender in Operation Lava Jato processes. To take office as minister of the STF, Cristiano Zanin needs to pass a sabbath at the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) of the Senate and have his name approved in a vote in the plenary of the House. Enlarged text at 5:37 pm
Agência Brasil
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