The Federal Police (PF) is serving today (6) a search and seizure warrant at the residence, in Florianópolis, of judge Jorge Luiz Borba, of the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina (TJSC). He is the subject of investigation on suspicion of keeping a domestic worker in conditions analogous to slavery. According to information from the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the worker is deaf and mute, has been in the magistrate’s house for more than 20 years and has never received a salary or any other labor allowance. The search was authorized by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), at the request of the accusing body. Still according to the MPF, the investigations began after diligences by the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT), which reinforced the suspicions after hearing witnesses. “The reports are of forced labor, exhausting hours and degrading conditions,” said the Attorney General’s Office in Santa Catarina. In addition to not receiving a salary, much less having a formal contract, the housekeeper would also be subjected to degrading material living conditions, having been denied health care by the judge and his wife. She also never received formal instruction and has no social ties, according to investigations. “In the decision that determined the precautionary measure, the rescue of the worker and the issuance of the guides for the discharge of the labor sums owed were already authorized”, informed the MPF. Agência Brasil tries to contact the judge’s defense. So far, the TJSC has not commented on the case.
Agência Brasil
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