The Social Territories program, a partnership between the city of Rio and the United Nations Program for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) started, this Monday (12), in five more slums of the city, the service, which is aimed at for families in situations of greater vulnerability. The communities visited were Vila Sapê, Canal do Anil and Comunidade do Aço, in the west zone; in addition to Muquiço and Travessa Everest, in the north zone. More than 140,000 families in socially vulnerable situations have already been interviewed by the program. Present in 10 favela complexes, the Social Territories program is in the communities of Rocinha, Alemão, Maré, Lins, Jacarezinho, Penha, Chapadão, Pedreira, Cidade de Deus and Vila Kennedy, in addition to the communities of Providência and São Carlos, in the center from the city. With the expansion, the program’s objective is for the protocol to be applied in 616 favelas, 87 housing developments and 144 irregular subdivisions, benefiting more than 1.5 million people. According to the president of the Pereira Passos Institute (IPP), Carlos Krykhtine, the idea of expanding the program came from Mayor Eduardo Paes, who asked that more families who need the essential services of the city be sought. Linked to the city hall, the IPP provides information that can contribute to improving the living conditions of the population, the efficiency of public management and the promotion of sustainable urban development. “With this, the program will gain scale and territorial amplitude in the city, acting in the most vulnerable areas. The task is great, but our will is even greater”, said Krykhtine. The Social Territories program aims to reduce social risk by including families not yet served by the government in municipal services. “Having qualified information from these areas is very important for the development of effective public policies, based on data and evidence. identified families”, said the technical coordinator of Research and Evaluation of the IPP. So far, around 42,000 families have been monitored by the Social Territories, of which 26,886 reported a situation of food insecurity and 25,830 revealed to be in a situation of extreme poverty, without registration in the Single Registry for social programs. Once identified, the families are assisted by the municipal secretariats for inclusion in services, benefits and necessary referrals. How it works During the interviews, the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), adapted from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is applied in order to identify the risk of each family. The initiative monitors multidimensionally poor families (risk 2 and 3 in the IPM), families in extreme poverty (per capita income of up to R$89) who reported not receiving income transfer benefits and those whose composition includes people with income profile to receive the continuous benefit, paid by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to the disabled and elderly in a situation of social vulnerability. Until the end of this month, 12 more areas of the city will receive program agents.
Agência Brasil
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