The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) opened an investigation to investigate the recent release of logging within indigenous lands. The agency gave ten days for the presidents of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), Eduardo Bim, and of the National Indian Foundation (Funai), Marcelo Xavier, to detail the studies that served as the basis for authorizing the forest management in indigenous lands and explain the possible impacts of the measure. The regional attorney of the Republic in the Federal District Wilson Rocha de Almeida Neto accepted the representation of PSOL federal deputies. He also asked for clarification on the measures taken to ensure the right to prior consultation of indigenous peoples, regulated by a 1989 International Labor Organization (ILO) convention, approved by the National Congress in 2002. Last Friday (16) , the president of Funai signed a normative instruction authorizing “sustainable forest management with a community character” in indigenous lands. According to the text, logging may be carried out by indigenous organizations or “organizations with a mixed composition”, which, in theory, allows non-indigenous people to carry out the activity. The measure establishes that the process can only be carried out with a “prior consultation” with the indigenous people, without providing details. In a note released on the same day, Funai informed that the authorization was an “old demand from several ethnic groups” and that the measure will allow the generation of income in a sustainable way in the indigenous villages. According to the statement, forest management would combat illegal deforestation and it would be up to Ibama and Funai to oversee the entire process, based on current regulations. As the normative instruction only comes into effect 30 days after publication, it may be revoked by the future government without producing effects.
Agência Brasil
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