The Chamber of Deputies created a working group to analyze the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 45/2019, which deals with tax reform. The group is made up of 12 deputies, will last for 90 days, extendable for another 90 days and will be coordinated by deputy Reginaldo Lopes, from PT-MG. The rapporteur will be Aguinaldo Ribeiro, from PP-PB. The PEC creates the so-called IBS, which is the Tax on Goods and Services, to replace PIS/Cofins, IPI, ICMS and ISS. It would be up to the Union, states and municipalities to define their rates. The government’s initial idea is to combine it with PEC 110, which is in the Senate and which creates two taxes: the Contribution on Goods and Services, which would remain with the Union, and the IBS, based on a consensus text. The forecast of the coordinator of the working group, Deputy Reginaldo Lopes, is to present an opinion by May. Earlier, the mayor, Arthur Lira, at a BTG Pactual event, recognized that the matter is not easy and that a possible reform still needs to be approved this year. The topic is one of the government’s priorities for 2023. Listen on Radioagência
Agência Brasil
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