More responsibility of the platforms for the content published on social networks. The charge comes from the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, which asked, on Tuesday (11), the legal department of Twitter Brasil, information on what measures are being adopted to moderate content that encourages violence in schools. In the official letter, the MPF questions the failure of the social network to face misinformation and monitor content that causes harm to society in the digital environment. The document, signed by the deputy regional attorney for Citizens’ Rights in São Paulo, Yuri Corrêa, requests a list of all profiles and content identified by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security as disseminators of information that encourage violence. For the president of the Internet Management Committee in Brazil, Renata Mielli, there is no acceptable justification for digital platforms not to act to remove inappropriate content, especially when they put children and adolescents at risk. “The stance, particularly on Twitter, of keeping profiles and content giving visibility to aggressors is completely illegal and is not in line with national legislation.” This Tuesday, the president of the Superior Electoral Court, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, said that he hopes that the companies that operate social networks take measures to avoid publications with Nazi, homophobic and anti-democratic content on the platforms. Sought, Twitter did not manifest itself until the closing of this report. Listen on Radioagência: 12-04-23_-_leandro_martins_-_mpf_moderacao_postagens_twitter_-_ra_ae.mp3 – alessandra.souza Edition: Sâmia Mendes / Alessandra Esteves
Agência Brasil
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