The Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday (25), by 238 votes to 192, the urgent request for analysis of the bill of fake news. The proposal creates the Brazilian Law of Freedom, Responsibility and Transparency on the Internet. After an agreement announced by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), the leaders decided to vote on urgency tonight and the merits analysis next week. The measure was articulated so that the rapporteur, Deputy Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP), could negotiate the changes proposed by the parties. During tonight’s session, deputies opposed to the proposal denied the agreement. Novo, PL and Frente Parlamentar Evangélica were against the urgency vote. Arthur Lira, however, maintained the vote on the grounds that the inclusion of the text on the agenda was his “regulatory prerogative”. Accountability Amid much controversy, the bill of fake news has been waiting for the vote of deputies since June 2020, when it was approved by the Senate. At the time, the text went to Câmara, where it changed almost completely. Last year, parliamentarians rejected the urgent vote by just eight votes and it returned to the stage where it needs to pass through committees or a specific working group. The bill provides for the transparency of social networks and private messaging services, especially regarding the responsibility of providers in combating misinformation. The proposal also determines the increase of transparency in relation to sponsored content and the action of the public power. The text establishes imprisonment of one to three years and a fine for anyone who promotes or finances the mass dissemination of messages that contain “a fact that is known to be untrue” and that may compromise the “healthiness” of the electoral process or cause damage to physical integrity. In addition, platforms will be required to regularly publish semi-annual transparency reports with information on the moderation of false content. *With information from the Chamber Agency
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