The chief minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, said this Monday (12) that the União Brasil party wants to reassess the party’s nominations for positions at the top level of the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. “It is on the agenda, the União Brasil party has been presenting the desire to reformulate the representation of its three nominated ministers. This is absolutely natural, that a party wants to present this”, said Padilha, who is responsible for the government’s political coordination, in a statement to the press at the Planalto Palace. A little earlier, Lula met with a group of government policy coordination ministers, including Fernando Haddad (Finance), Rui Costa (Casa Civil), Paulo Pimenta (Secom), in addition to Padilha himself and government leaders in Congress. National. União Brasil, a party with one of the largest benches in the Chamber of Deputies (59 parliamentarians), indicated, during the process of assembling the government, the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Carneiro, who is leaving the party, amid internal disagreements. In addition, the party also nominated the Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes, close to Senator Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP), and the Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, who came from the party’s base in the Chamber. “I always say, government is like a rally. Every now and then you have to change the driver, you have to change a tire. What matters is being on the right track, this government is on track,” added Padilha, who did not give a date for any changes in the team of government ministers. Padilha stressed, however, that decisions on changing ministers are the responsibility of the President of the Republic and that he has a positive assessment of the work of his ministers so far. After Padilha’s statement, the leader of the government in the National Congress, Senator Jacques Wagner (PT-BA), who was with the minister during the interview with journalists, confirmed that the focus of a possible change is on the position of the Minister of Tourism , and ruled out calling it ministerial reform. “There is no discussion of ministerial reform at the moment. People are taking things wrong. What there is, I’ll call it, is an internal divergence of a grassroots party, and not in the grassroots, which is the fact that the person who represents União Brasil in a given portfolio, everybody knows which one is [Ministério do Turismo], is in a moment of withdrawing from the party”, he pondered. Then, he said he did not see the possibility of changes beyond these two ministries with little more than six months of government. “There is a naturalness to the debate, I am not saying that the decision has been made. The others, for me, honestly, are wishes, wishes, and I don’t think that someone, with five or six months, will undergo ministerial reform”, he observed. Lula’s Agenda Next Thursday (15th), President Lula will hold a new ministerial meeting. According to Padilha, he intends to hear a more detailed report on the progress of actions in each portfolio and prepare for the coming months. Next week, Lula will travel abroad again. He is going to Paris, France, between the 20th and 23rd of June, to participate in an event on the environment and climate change promoted by the country’s president, Emmanuel Macron. On the same trip, Lula is due to go to the Vatican, where he will meet with Pope Francis. On the domestic travel agenda, this week Lula is scheduled to go to Rio Verde, in Goiás, on Friday (16th), for the inauguration of a section of the North-South Railroad. From there, the president is expected to head to the neighboring city of Jataí, to inaugurate the city’s ring road. The two municipalities are among the most important in agribusiness in the state. On Saturday (17), the president is scheduled to travel to Belém, where he is expected to deliver affordable housing. Still in the capital of Pará, he should initiate discussions on the organization of the 30th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP30), which will be held in the city in 2025.
Agência Brasil
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