The President of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Minister Maria Thereza de Assis Moura, decided this Thursday (13) to maintain the arrest of one of those accused of planning the kidnapping of Senator and former judge Sergio Moro (União-PR) . In the decision, the minister denied the habeas corpus of the investigated Janeferson Aparecido Mariano Gomes for procedural reasons. In the understanding of the magistrate, the case can only be analyzed by the STJ after the final judgment of the request for release made at the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region, based in Porto Alegre. “I do not see manifest illegality in authorizing the application of the aforementioned summary entry to be made an exception, since the substantive matter is sensitive and demands greater reflection and in-depth examination of the case file, therefore, it is prudent to wait for the final judgment of the habeas corpus filed in the court of origin before any intervention by this Superior Court” decided. Last month, the Federal Police (PF) launched Operation Sequaz, with the aim of dismantling a criminal organization that intended to carry out attacks against public servants and authorities”, among them, Senator Sérgio Moro. The action had the participation of 120 federal police officers for the execution of 24 search and seizure warrants, seven preventive arrest warrants and four temporary arrest warrants in Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, São Paulo and Paraná.
Agência Brasil
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